As I sit back and think about all that I have to be thankful for this year, I realize how extremely fortunate I am. I am truly blessed to have such a supportive and loving family, amazing friends, a wonderful husband who makes me unbelievably happy, a beautiful and full life, and two pets who love me unconditionally. Words can't describe just how grateful I am to be living this life. :)
So, since words don't adequately describe it, I figured I'd try to sum it up in picture form. Here's a look at what I'm thankful for this year...
1. A loving, supportive, and sometimes goofy family! :)
Celebrating Mom and Dad's 40th anniversary! :) |
Happy 30th to my lil' bro! :) |
Me and my bro! |
Goofballs! :) |
Me and my seester! ;) |
My mom and dad...
I couldn't ask for better role models in life! :)
Brian with his brother and wife!
Stacy and I sharing some fun sisterly moments in Chicago! :) |
My favorite little guy and the cutest nephew ever! |
He never fails to make me smile! :)
2. An amazing group of friends - both near and far, old and new - who never fail to make my heart smile! :)
My favorite Chicago clan! :) |
My girl, Tanya, and I in Lindau... |
Brian and his peeps! |
My girl, Denise! :)
We're two peas in a pod... Too bad we live on completely different continents! :( |
My BFF and partner in crime - Kory! :) |
My German peeps! :) |
Cathy and Stefan are the sweetest couple whom I miss dearly! |
My German crew...
Oh how I miss them! |
Monika and Rolf...
Words cannot describe how much these two mean to us! They are the kindest, most generous people we have ever met, and we both feel fortunate to be able to call them our friends. :) We miss you guys!! |
My two favorite red-heads - Eva and Mia! :) |
Kory and I at Silver Bells! :) |
I love these two ladies... Katrina and Larra!
They let me be as goofy as can be, and instead of thinking I'm completely crazy, they join right on in without question! :)
Our Challenge Fitness crew...
I love that we've found a group of people just as crazy as us! :) |
The Challenge Fitness gang... |
Laurie and Phil...
The cutest (and most fit) couple we know. :)
Me and my girls! :) |
More of my favorite Germans!! :) |
MSU Tailgate Crew! :) |
Celebrating Seehasenfest with a couple of my favorite people! :) |
Enjoying Hugos with Michelle! :) |
3. This guy! My life would be incomplete without my wonderful hubby. He makes me happier than I've ever known was possible! :)
Enjoying an MSU Tailgate... |
Off-roading at the sand dunes... |
Enjoying the state's Christmas Tree in Lansing... |
Cheering on the Tigers! :)
4. Being able to have traveled to so many beautiful places and to have had so many unique experiences!
I'm so very thankful to have been able to have called this place home for three years! I'm also truly grateful that I was able to go back to visit for a month this summer! :) |
Exploring Swabisch Hall, Germany...
Vernazza, Italy
Part of the chain of cities that make up Cinque Terre, Italy... |
Hiking in the Alps... |
Gliding in Heiligenberg, Germany! :)
What an amazing experience!!
Exploring Lake Huron in Sarnia, Canada... |
Camping at the Pinery over Memorial Day weekend... |
Soaking up the sun at Lake Michigan... |
Enjoying the view from the Silver Lake Sand Dunes... |
Heiligenberg Castle in Germany... |
Soaking up the gorgeous views in Switzerland!! |
La Spezia, Italy at dusk... |
Riomaggiore, Italy
(Another city in Cinque Terre, Italy) |
The view from Corniglia, Italy
(The third of five cities in Cinque Terre, Italy) |
Scenes from my favorite campus in autumn... Michigan State! :) |
Spartan Stadium!! :)
5. And last, but certainly not least, these two faces never fail to put a smile on my face. :) Ok, so perhaps they can sometimes cause some major headaches, but for the most part they make me smile. :)
My baby, Vander...
Just look at that face! :) |
My crazy looking, but sweetheart of a cat... Riley! :) |