A couple of weeks ago, we had the opportunity to visit my absolute favorite American city... Chicago!! :) For those of you that know me well, you know just how much I love this city!! I love its character, the architecture, the vibe, the shopping, the bars, the Cubs... I pretty much adore all that the city has to offer! So, I was quite excited when Brian agreed to head to Chicago with me for the weekend!
We had such a fun time while we were there! We wandered through the city, strolled down Michigan Avenue and did a little window shopping, checked out a few bars in the Lincoln Park area, visited some great friends, and had an overall fabulous time!!
I'm already looking forward to my next visit... Which I'm hoping will be in December as I really want to check out their German Weihnachtsmarkt... I'm hoping it'll make me feel like I'm back in Germany for the holiday season! :))
Hello, Chicago!! :) (This is the giant mirrored "bean" which is located in Millenium Park) |
I just love the skyline of this city! :) |
No worries... The buildings aren't really bending... It's just Brian's crazy camera lens! :) |
Under the "L"... (The "L" is Chicago's downtown transportation... It's an above ground subway system that runs through the city.) |
While we were there, we had to hit up a Michigan State bar and check out the game... Let's Go State! :) |
Enjoying the day with Dave and Katie! :) It was at this bar where Dave informed me that he has now officially known me longer than he hasn't known me... How crazy is that?! Yikes! Looks like we're getting old!! :) |
Brian and I enjoying watching MSU win!! :) Look at that cheesy grin of mine... Can you tell I was excited to be surrounded by some of my favorite things?! I was with my adorable hubby, I was in the city I love, I was watching my favorite team/school play football, and I was sharing the day with some wonderful "old" friends!! :) |
Me and Sparty! :) |
Dave and I couldn't leave the Tin Lizzie without having a little fun with Sparty... I mean, he's our beloved mascot from our alma matter and all! :) |
Strolling through the city on a beautiful late summer day... :) |
Katie had to get in on the mascot action too! Here she is with her beloved Husker! :) |
Chillin' in my favorite city! :) |
How cute is he?! :) |
A view of the Chicago skyline through the "bean"... |
So pretty! |
One last view of the city before we headed out... Bis spaeter, Chicago!! Can't wait until our next visit! :) |
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