Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy the Ride...

Well, it's official... We're baaaack!! :)

Yep, we arrived back in the U.S. 5 weeks ago today... And, in those five weeks, we have managed to pack in ALOT!! Between trying to get our house back into tip top shape, visiting friends and family, getting reacquainted with our old stomping grounds, job searching, and just trying to readjust to life back in the States, we've been keeping ourselves quite busy. And, now that we're starting to feel a little bit more settled and we're falling into a bit more of a routine, I started getting the itch to return to the blogging world. (You didn't think I'd stop blogging just because we moved back now, did you?! :)) And, with the beginning of a new life here in the U.S., I decided that it was time for a new blog as well...

So, welcome to our new blog... The Chaotic Ramblings of a Former Haus Frau!! And, just as the title states, there is really no rhyme or reason to any of my postings... Here you'll find stories about what it's been like for us to repatriate back into the States, our misadventures when it comes to home improvement, and just our general day-to-day lives... Now, it won't be nearly as exciting as my blog about our life in Germany, but I do promise to make it somewhat interesting. :) You may not have pictures of beautiful castles, cathedrals, and European buildings, but you'll most likely find some photos of our house (exciting, huh?! :)), and our family and friends, and some of the travels we'll hopefully get to embark on (and I'm thinking the first travel post might be Chicago related... Shocking, huh?! :))... And, no worries, if you ever get to the point where you start missing our stories/travels from Germany too much, all you have to do is click on the link to the right of this page, and it'll take you right back to my blog that contains all of the fun we had during our three years in Deutschland! :)
So, with that being said, I hope you'll all join us as we embark on our newest journey... Here's to our American adventure! :)


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