The weekend after we arrived in the U.S., we headed up north to take advantage of a typical northern Michigan summer... We spent the weekend hanging out with family and friends, soaking up the beautiful weather, strolling along the beach in Ludington, grilling out, swimming in our pool, watching my brother's baseball games, and just enjoying the feeling of being home. It was such a fun weekend, and a great way to get ourselves reacquainted with life in the U.S. !! :)

Enjoying a day at the beach with my hubby! :)

Me and my mom! :)

Kaden was clearly excited to be at the beach that day! :)

The Moore ladies... :)

Me and my sis... :)

After the beach, we headed to the playground... Yep, that's me playing on the steps. I just wanted to prove that you're never too old to play on the playground! :)

Heading for some ice cream at House of Flavors, while playing Kaden's favorite game of "1, 2, 3, Jump!" :)

Kaden was sporting the "raccoon" look here... Shortly before this was taken, I was chasing him around the playground, and he ran right smack dab into a bridge that was part of the play area... Ooops! :) Needless to say, Aunt Kristin felt very bad about that incident!!

Some crazy clouds that rolled in right before it stormed that night...

Look at him go!! :)
Watching Jason at one of his games...

Nice form! :)

Kaden wanted to practice too!! So, after the game, we had ourselves a mini game of softball. :)
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